Man is not a good

The project is implemented with the support of the La Strada-Ukraine National Trainers Network.

Project manager: Tetiana Detsiuk.

The aim: to form among youth the understanding of the problem of human trafficking and its consequences for the person, to teach to use the rules of safe behavior; to bring up the respect for human rights, readiness to protect one’s own rights; to develop the ability to analyze, compare, summarize the information.

The main tasks: in an interactive form to acquaint young people with the concept of human trafficking, its forms and manifestations; outline the myths and stereotypes that have developed in the community about human trafficking; analyze the main ways of engaging people in a trap of traffickers; generate knowledge in sphere rights that are violated in human trafficking; to form an idea of the danger of consequences  of human traffickingfor a person; provide advice and recommendations to prevent cases of human trafficking.