“Interesting, informative and friendly” – these are the impressions of the training participants. We spoke about the actual state of development and implementation of the concept of sustainable development in Ukraine, dreamt about the future Planet, learned how to rationally and reasonably consume resources and ruined stereotypes about youth as a passive group.

On November 29, 2015 the educational part of the project was finished. Participants represented the acquired knowledge on sustainable development and its components in informational-advertising posters about community involvement in the sustainable lifestyle. The motto of the workshops on creating eco-décor was: less waste – more beauty. Once again participants ruined the stereotypes: could one imagine that boys, future engineers and programmers, will paint with acrylic paints and make Christmas decorations? Their creations impress with the aesthetics and originality.

NGO “Chernihiv European” expresses gratitude to British Council and the programme “Active Citizens” for the support and financing of the project, as well as to the partners who helped in its realization: Chernihiv National University of Technology, NGO “Institute of society’s innovative development”, NGO “Teachers for democracy and partnership”. Many thanks to volunteers, without whose support this project wouldn’t take place.

Follow the news of “Chernihiv European”. Soon on our website there will be information on the project and methodical collection of materials “Teach friends to live sustainably”, that can be used in educational-training work on teaching sustainable development to youth.