“Ukraine-Norway” – cooperation for social adaptation of ATZ participants
On February 5, 2016 Chernihiv National University of Technology, NGO “Chernihiv European” signed an agreement with the International Foundation for Social Adaptation (IFSA) on the involvement of the university and the public organization to the project “Ukraine-Norway”, supported by the Foundation and the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
IFSA President Volodymyr Rubtsov said that the project “Ukraine-Norway” has been implemented in our country since 2003 and after 13 years of its existence has become one of the largest international projects in Ukraine. Only in 2015 984 soldiers and members of their families were retrained.
The project aims to reduce the impact of negative social consequences of the economic reform and the reform of the defense sector of Ukraine for retired military personnel, members of ATZ and their family members, as ewll as to promote the development of cooperation between the two countries.
Training of military personnel and their family members starts in Chernihiv National University of Technology on February 15, 2016.
The project participants will pass professional retraining within the programme “Organization of entrepreneurial activity”. Some classes will be conducted by academics from the Nord University.
The project coordinator from CNUT and NGO “Chernihiv European” is Tetiana Kolenichenko, Head of the Department of Social Work and the NGO member (tel. 096 21 33 816).